Project Overview
Name: Ragged Coast Chocolates
Size: 3,800 sf
Location: Westbrook, ME
Designer: Design Group Collaborative
In 2020, Kate Shaffer, Black Dinah Chocolatiers founder, named for a small mountain on Isle au Haut near Black Dinah Mountain, announced that it will be changing their name. As the business grew, they changed the headquarters which is now located in Westbrook, Maine.
“As our customer base grew, so did our perspective,” Shaffer said. “Last fall, we began, as a team, to make a plan to transition to a new name. It was a long-term goal.” So, as of July, the new name is, Ragged Coast Chocolates. The same great chocolates, just a different name.
Black Dinah Chocolatiers chocolates are sold online, in 29 retail stores throughout the country, at a tasting room in Blue Hill, and at their café on Isle au Haut. Since 2007, the husband and wife team, Steve and Kate Shaffer has been hand-dipping gourmet truffles, but with a lack of space, they have now opened a new 3,800 square-foot facility in Westbrook, Maine.
Moving to Westbrook will make hiring and shipping easier and with the time spent getting on and off the island they will be able to put more focus on our business growth.
“We are making it with love, we want people to get that,” said Shaffer. When someone gives someone a box of locally sourced truffles from the Farm Market collection, the message is “I went out of my way to find this product.”